Recent Product and Service Discoveries
IMPORTANT BREAKTHROUGH PRODUCTS & PROCESSES INTEGRATE THE POWER AND FLOW OF THE LIFE FORCE!No matter how much I already know about improving the optimum in health, performance and LONGEVITY with the aid of the life force, I continually search for new products, services and techniques that help enhance the power of the life force even more.
NEW ENERGY SUPPLEMENTS: I test every new product or service I find on myself before I sell it to anyone else. By employing this process, I found several Subtle Energy Solutions (supplements and a cream) that dramatically enhance, accelerate and improve the flow of the life force throughout the body.
The cream is so energetically effective, it can be used to open up meridians by rubbing it into acupressure and/or acupuncture points. It can be used to open chakras with similar repeated applications. SEXUAL INTEGRATION: I've also discovered a sexual integration process I've adapted from a Tao process that doesn't use supplements, but your own sex energy. The effect of this sexual integration process is so powerful, it makes the skin over your whole body feel much softer, smoother and more youthful. And, of course, it dramatically enhances the pleasure and enjoyment of sex.
NUTRITION INTEGRATION: One of the most recent research discoveries I've made is a special nutritional product that is so effective, it will convert pH saliva and urine acidity to a much healthier alkaline condition throughout the body. According to research scientist, Robert Barefoot, cancer cannot survive in an alkaline body. Plus, according to another research scientist named Sang Whang, creating a constant alkaline body condition will help the body over time sloph off waste, as well as, reverse aging. My experience has also shown that this special calcium product substantially enhances the power and flow of the life force. If you want to know more about how you can enhance and accelerate the power and flow of the life force within your mind and body, send your telephone number via email...along with the best times and dates you are available for a telephone I will email you to set up a teleconference appointment so you can tell me about your personal goals and objectives and I can tell you more about how I will teach you to use the life force to accomplish those goals and objectives. And if you choose, I will also help you earn the money required to pay for the entire life force integration program, as well as, earn substantial primary and secondary profit. R.B.Mason Volitional Scientist, Life Force Coach, Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Sensory Feedback Trainer Tel:(949) 262-0110  Click to join lifeforcecoachesnetwork

New GOLF and Device Research?
In May of 2004, I begun testing and researching a relatively new instrument called the Quantum Biofeedback (EPFX/SCIO) Device. This device is so far ahead of any other biofeedback system or device I know of, there is absolutely no comparison.
In November of 2004, I began using the device to improve my body condition and golfing performance. I put both body condition and peak performance training in the same effort to make it more fun and effective. I had learned several years ago to integrate what a person loves most to do with something he needs to do to help motivate people to stop smoking with hypnosis and "focused self talk." It worked extremely well because it added an enormous amount of interest and motivation to the process. Thus, I have done the same for myself here.
Since that time, I acquired an enormous amount of personal benefit. (1) I have improved my strength, flexibility and performance substantially and have (2) trimmed about 25 strokes off my golf game. In the process, (3) I have not only discovered how to make my golfing performance more effective, I have also discovered how to make the playing of golf far more satisfying and enjoyable.
I am now putting together a national space age Optimum Performance golf research and testing program for amatuers, pros and senior golfers all over the U.S. More details follow:
Space Age Optimizing Golf Performance Research Some time in 2009 US Golfing Community Event
Time: Test results reported to participants every week. Cost: Research Test only $25 per week. Plus - you must agree to submit a golf score card at least once per week and be interviewed on audio tape about the value you received by participating in the program. Also - you must agree to allow us to use this recording for promotional purposes in written or broadcast form, if we so choose.
OPTIONAL: A month's supply of performance enhancing & accelerating nutrients you spray under the tongue will be supplied, if desired, at a cost of only $75 per month (a very reasonable cost for a full month's supply of nutrients).
Preliminary results shown to date are wonderfully surprising and amazingly beneficial. Don't miss out. Call (949) 262-0110 or send your email now to reserve a spot for your participation.
* Research begins some time in 2009 * TO PARTICIPATE, CONTACT US NOW.
Contact Research Consultant: R.B.Mason, Volitional Scientist, Quantum Biofeedback Specialist and Life Force Coach. Send request for details to or Tel: (949) 262-0110
Masons Optimum Research Laboratory Location: Irvine, California