I have created this network for Holistic, Energetic, Biofeedback Practitioners & Life Coaches who help their clients (or want to) learn to integrate their minds and bodies with the life force, also known as chi, prana, kundalini, orgone energy, etc. in order to attain Optimum Body Condition, Performance, Longevity, the ultimate in Satisfaction, and Pleasure.
The purpose of this network is to provide its members with an opportunity to discuss and/or exchange their work, progress, discoveries, innovations and value of awakening to the life force with one another in order to accelerate & improve themselves and their abilities.
Unless otherwise agreed upon in advance, compensation may be paid to members for information exchanged when the receiver of that information feels he or she has received sufficient value from the exchange to warrant the payment of compensation. In this instance, the value will be determined by the receiver of that informaion, not the provider. Therefore, compensation is not guaranteed.
Members may refer clients to one another with prior agreed upon compensation when and if appropriate.
Membership is free of charge, apply for membership if interested. Please refer friends and assocaites for membership when and if you feel they and your fellow members would benefit from their participation.
Ronald B Mason is the owner and moderator of this network. Therefore, any disputes between members will be settled by Ronald B Mason's final decision.
If you would like to know more about this network and would also like to join, just type "Practitioners & Coaches Network" on the subject line and email me information about yourself. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Come visit R.B.Mason's LIFE FORCE COACH store!<
To All Practitioners & Coaches Interested in Adding 62 Quantum Biofeedback Modalities to their Practices
If you have looked through the many holistic websites listed in the MyRegion Directory, you’ve probably noticed how many holistic practitioners and life coaches have added numerous modalities to their services. If you haven’t already looked through this directory, maybe you should.
You’ll find hypnotists are no longer just hypnotists. Reiki practitioners are no longer just Reiki practitioners. Acupuncturists are no longer just acupuncturists. Etc., etc...
Today, almost every single-modality holistic practitioner is becoming, or has become, a multi-modality holistic practitioner and the same is true for many other types of practitioners.
The Quantum Biofeedback multi-modality device is very timely and may be vitally important to your practice in this changing world of holistics. By now, you've probably seen or heard good things about this amazing multi-modality biofeedback system known as the Quantum Biofeedback Device, or EPFX/SCIO.
Now available! The new EPFX/SCIO-Q, the next generation of the Quantum Biofeedback Devices, gives the practitioner a multitude of other, more effective and productive, features such as simultaneous multi-tasking modalities including amazing stemcell stimulation.
The latest Quantum Software Update is about to be introduced.
And, when you purchase a brand new EPFX/SCIO-Q with my help, you will also receive free quantum biofeedback training along with an opportunity to earn your Biofeedback Technician's Certification to help you get your holistic practice off to a renewed, accelerated start.
If you want to take advantage of this exciting opportunity, please call me: R.B.Mason, Researching Quantum Biofeeback Trainer, Certified Biofeedback Specialist and Sales Consultant at: Office(949)262-0110: cell(949)233-4870, or email me at rbmasonslifeforce@juno.com
If I'm unavailable when you call, just leave your phone number and/or email address and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Ronald B Mason,
Researching Quantum Biofeedback Trainer,
Certified Biofeedback Specialist,
Sales and Training Consultant & Life Coach.
P.S. As a part of my network affiliations, FREE QUANTUM BIOFEEDBACK DEMONSTRATIONS are available in person to prospective clients and device purchasers in most areas of the U.S. and Canada. Or, through distance energetics via subspace and/or telephone. Call or email me for more details.