Since we are continually searching, discovering and innovating this kind of breakthrough information, we frequently develop or come across new discoveries and insights that enhance our understanding rather dramatically. Some of these insights, discoveries and innovations have changed our lives in a rather big way, so we thought you would like to learn about some of these new breakthroughs yourself.
The following includes many important breakthroughs in health, performance and longevity we believe you may be able to benefit from almost as soon as you learn about them. Read ABOUT them now. Then learn and apply. Improve yourself, your health, your happiness and your prosperity.
But come back often and STAY ABREAST, because we'll be adding many more breakthrough insights and discoveries TO THIS WEBPAGE as we find them.
Live long and prosper,
Ronald B. Masaon, Co-editor
Vitamins Cannot Provide Their Full Potential Value to Your Body Without the Presence of Minerals.
Even though this is a relatively old breakthrough in nutrition, most people don't know about it. Some time ago, science discovered that every vitamin needs one to ten mineral co-factors to fulfill their optimum potential. And since vitamins control your body's appropriation of minerals, vitamins have no function to perform unless an adequate supply of minerals of the right kind and quantity are present. Lacking vitamins, your body can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.
In fact, debilitating disease can begin with the demineralization of your body. Dr. Linus Pauling, twice Nobel Prize Winner, made a very important breakthrough observation when he stated that, "You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency -- without minerals it is impossible for cell regeneration to occur." That statement was clearly a breakthrough into understanding illness.
Dr. Joel Wallach, Nobel Prize Nominee, also made a breakthrough observation when he said: that having virtually all the minerals in their drinking, cooking and irrigation water present everyday was the secret to a life expectancy of 140 to 150 years for those unique societies like the Hunzas that regularly live from 140 to 150 years. Evidence is showing now that the crystal structure of the water may also have something to do with improved health and longevity.
Prior to Dr. Wallach's observation, many scientists believed that the Hunza's longevity was due to their continuous diet of apricots. Others thought it was due to their sedentary life style. While others thought it was due to their daily meditation or annual fasting. While Dr. Wallach was able to observed the minerals in their water supply that may be one of the primary sources of the Huza's health and longevity.
Dr. Wallach's observation was truly one of the most important observations in the history of nutrition that further corroborates the need for an abundant supply of minerals in our own water supply. Dr. Wallach has been telling the world about this discovery for years.
...but did you know about this and the other breakthroughs mentioned above until now?
It is now clear, that no matter how many vitamins you are taking everyday to improve your health and longevity, if you don't take an adequate amount of minerals in the right quantities to compliment your vitamins, you're wasting your time, your money and, perhaps, your life.
If you want to know about many more of Dr. Wallach's critically important discoveries in health and nutrition, order a copy of his world famous book entitled: Let's Play Doctor from us and you'll also receive a free copy of his world famous audio tape entitled: Dead Doctors Don't Lie along with it.
Just type "Let's Play Doctor" in the subject line and email your name, phone number, best time to call and postal address to
I'll call you at my expense, take your order over the phone, charge your credit card to Pal Pal, ship your copy of the book and include a free copy of Dr. Wallach's world famous audio tape entitled: Dead Doctors Don't Life.
Did You Know Your Body Needs About 100 Nutrients Everyday for Optimum Health?
The world has known about the value of vitamins and a few "major" minerals to the health of the human body for many years. But until relatively recently, it was not known that the body needs a total of about 100 nutrients daily to provide itself with all the building blocks it needs to create optimum health.
These nutrients include about:
72 organic minerals (including 65 trace minerals and 7 major minerals.
16 vitamins.
12 essential amino acids.
13 essential fatty acids.
The problem is this, because vitamins and minerals are being drastically depleted from your food and water supply, it is virtually impossible for you to consume enough ordinary food and water to ingest all the nutrients your body needs every day. So if you don't take an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals to supplement your food and water, your body is likely to breakdown and show the effects of aging and poor health at a very early age. Don't wait. Start taking ALL the vitamins and minerals your body needs now, before your body starts breaking down. If you want to know how to do that in the easiest way possible, email me at and I'll send you all the information you need.
More Vitamin/Mineral Breakthroughs Coming Soon!
Come back often and learn how you can use new insights and breakthroughs to improve your health and longevity.
A Simple Breakthrough With A Profound Effect
One of the most simple and fundamental, yet effective, methods for improving one's health in modern times will be announced in the weeks ahead. Don't miss reading about it. Bookmark this web page and check back regularly.
Has Someone Finally Found A Cure For Cancer?
Another, relatively simple, method has been developed that the discoverer says cures all cancers, not just a some or a select few. If you want to learn more about that cure, check back soon.
But if you have a dear friend or family member who is suffering from cancer now and can't wait for that information to appear here, email me at and I'll send you further information about this discovery right away.
Coming Soon:
The REAL Breakthroughs of Conventional Biofeedback e-book and a paperback book by Ronald B. Mason
Most people who have heard about conventional biofeedback, think it is primarily for reducing stress and improving relaxation. Even most biofeedback specialists would agree with that belief. And I, author Ronald B. Mason, a biofeedback specialist myself, would agree that conventional biofeedback training does, in fact, help improve relaxation and reduce stress rather dramatically.
I am, however, not only a biofeedback specialist and nutrition consultant, but a graduate of the Liberal Institute of Natural Science & Technology of Los Angeles, California. It was at that institution where I learned the Science of Volition developed by Andrew J. Galambos. And it is the education I received from that relatively unknown school of higher learning that helped me recognize the real breakthroughs of biofeedback. The breakthroughs that I expect will one day not only create a dramatic paradigm shift in health, performance and self improvement, but dramatically change the commonly accepted beliefs about:
1. The correct principles of self talk for optimum volition (self control).
2. The way biofeedback training should be taught and employed to help trainees attain the optimum in health, performance and stabilized financial growth.
The REAL Breakthroughs of Conventional Biofeedback paper back and e-book editions will be available soon.
If you would like earn a 50% discount by placing a prepublication order for this book, send your name, telephone number and email address to I'll call you at my expense to accept your credit card for your purchase. Then I will send the edition you prefer to you with no shipping charge just as soon as it is available.
R.B.Mason's I.D.E.A. Factory/Network(tm).
For Innovators, Discoverers and Entrepreneurs...and those who aspire to be.
If you are an innovator, discoverer and/or entrepreneur. And you are committed to leaving your mark on the world and becoming all you can be, visit: R.B.Mason's I.D.E.A. Factory/Network webpage in this site. Learn how you can participate in making the world a far better place by helping to solve the world's most pressing a profit.
At the same time, learn to be all you can be...learn to enhance your creativity while you raise your intelligence. Network with the world's best & brightest. Finally, get paid for your revolutionary & fully protected inventions and ideas. New, exciting, revolutionary. You'll love the challenge...and the gratification. Click on: Mason's I.D.E.A. Factory/Network link now!
"I Invite You to Join Me in Pursuing the Optimum
in Health, Performance and Stabilized Financial Growth"
Live long and prosper,
Ronald B. Mason,
Nutrition Consultant, Biofeedback Specialist and Volitional Scientist and Researching Life Force Coach
Pursuing the Optimum in Wellness, Performance and the Life Force
Telephone: (949) 262-0110.
Copyright 2006 and 2008 by Ronald Byron Mason