Research: pursuing the optimum....
Pursuing Optimum Wellness, Peak Performance & Flowing Life Force

Research Pursuing the Optimum

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Life Force Research

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R.B.Mason - continued

Science of Volition

Critical Breakthroughs

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Quantum Biofeedback Device

Senory-Feedback Training

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R.B.Mason's Virtual Life Force Conglomerate

Optimum Coaches Network

Photo Page 2

Photo Page 3


Our Quest:
To discover the source of optimum body condition, performance
and life force on a 100% predictable basis.

It all began in about 1973. Our early research and training involved pyramid energy, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, conventional biofeedback conditioning & training, dream journaling, processing & analysis, hands-on-healing and orgone accumulators.

As we progressed, we added video feedback, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), therapeutic magnets, Kirlian Photography and Sensory-Feedback. Today, we also include research and training involving acupuncture, meridians and acupressure , kundalini yoga and how to clear chakras. Plus, we are researching and testing how vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathic remedies and energy supplementation enhance the flow of the life force.

Almost six years ago, we began researching the performance of a relatively new biofeedback instrument called the Quantum EPFX Biofeedback device. Recently, we started researching the effects of Reiki, PsychoKinesis, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping).

By being our own genie pigs, we have discovered and developed many unique and original processes ourselves. We never experiment with new methods, supplements or devices on our clients until we have proven they work by getting trained, experimenting and proving them to ourselves.

If you would like a free promotional sample of my Life Force RESEARCH eNewsletter, send your name and email address to

Just type "Life Force Research eNewsletter" on the subject line and I'll email you a free copy as soon as the next issue is available.

Even though my wife (Ruth) and I
didn't realize it when we began, our
research led us toward learning about
and understanding the life force
right from the beginning. As a matter
of fact, I first experienced the sensation
of the life force between my hands
when I was doing some self hypnosis

Here, a stack of electronic research and training instruments are awaiting use: Kirlian Photography Device (bottom unit); Temperature Biofeedback Instrument (second unit); GSR Biofeedback Instrument (galvanic skin response, or emotional response) [third unit up]; EMG Biofeedback Instrument (electromygraph) [top unit].

Here, my wife (Ruth) hooks up a GSR Biofeedback Instrument to a client in preparation for a desensitization process.

Ron Mason (myself) has hooked up an EMG Biofeedback Instrument to a client in order to teach him to relax the frontalis muscle across his forehead. Relaxing the frontalis can enable you to learn how to relax the entire skeletal muscle system much quicker and easier.


Ruth is our number one research librarian. She reads far faster then I, remembers a great deal of what she reads and can usually find any book in our library at a moments notice. She researched and wrote the geneology book shown in this photo in about two years where most geneologists would have taken five.

Front stairway entrance to office located in Los Alamitos, CA in 1978. Our business was called the Los Alamitos Biofeedback Laboratory at that time.

Relaxing between client sessions, Ruth takes it easy in her office recliner awaiting her next client's arrival. On the wall behind her are Kirlian photographs showing how the aura of the life force around two finger tips can be entirely different, depending upon the emotion being experienced by the subject. The Kirlian photos were taken by Herm Hartzel of Hartzel Studios in Inglewood, CA

Visiting the Integratron building during field research in May 2002. Designed and constructed by George Van Tassle. Based on energy generating concepts by Nicola Tesla and the Great Cheops Pyramid in Egypt. The Integratron was designed to be a human life force re-generation system in the desert of Southern California.

An extremely confortable recliner we used in our Biofeedback Laboratory in 1978 and still have in our research laboratory in 2008.

Ron setting in his office on his recliner awaiting the arrival of his next client.

I'm standing at the center focul point of the Integratron dome. The dome focuses sound and life force energy on the center point like a telescope focuses light. The building was designed by Van Tassel to generate life force so it could be used to re-generate the human body as people walked thru the building.

Co-owner creates clear sound with crystal bowl to provide me with a small sample of an Integratron sound bath while I set in a suspended chair at the focal point in the dome..

Co-owner plays a chorus of crystal bowls to enhance my sound bath while I lay back suspended in the swing.

Here I am having a delightful time in the swing hanging at the central focul point of the Integretron. It was a great experiment.


I intend to return to the Integretron some time in 2009 to conduct a much larger range of experiments. They will include experiments with healing energy, Kundalini, Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Energy and much more. This next trip will be an amazing adventure for me, my associates and my clients who decide to join in. It will be great fun. Write to me at if you would like to find our more information about the cost and to make a reservation for the trip. This will probably be a one day bus trip that will depart from Irvine, CA.

Photos of experiments conducted with the aid of the Quantum Biofeedback Device coming soon.

Optimum Performance Conditioning for Pro, Amature and Senior Golfers involving Biofeedback training, Sensory Feedback Conditioning, Energetic Remedies and Focused Self Talk coming in the near future. Call for free brochure providing complete details.

Experiments to improve numb feet using a variety of biofeedback modalities, life force boosting techniques, nutrients, and exercises coming in the weeks ahead. If you have numb feet and would like to join in, call me at (949) 262-0110.

Experiments with purified water and its effects on the body now being conducted. Before and after results will be photographed and shown in this area when we have completed our experiments. To participate in this experiment and/or to learn more about the water purifier being used, call me at (949) 262-0110.

Results of stim cell stimulation in my own bone marrow is now being conducted. Results will be shown on this site in the coming months. If you are interested in participating in these experiments, please call me at (949) 262-0110.


Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008 by Ronald Byron Mason