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R.B.Mason's Seize-the-Day Training Programs tm

Capitalize on Adversity, Challenge and Change



R.B.Mason's Seize-the-Day Training Programs tm Help You Create Breakthroughs in Innovation, Discovery, Free Enterprise and Self Improvement. Now in development:

  • How to Bounce Back From Financial Collapse Now!


How to Transform the Challenge of Change
& Adversity into Opportunity, Growth & Breakthrough

Every challenge you encounter in life and business is an opportunity for growth and breakthrough. But you won't see the opportunity if you don't look for it. And you won't break through unless you make a decision to try. Seize-the-Day! will show you how to look for and see the opportunity in challenge, change and adversity.


How Major Innovators & Discoverers Break Through

Every publication of the new and revolutionary Seize-the-Day! Publications will show you how major innovators & discoverers use challenge and adversity to break through.


How to Make Decisions That Lead to Breakthrough

Every pubication of Seize-the-Day! will give you ideas that will inspire and motivate you to start making the kind of decisions that really make a difference. Then, it will show you how to use those decisions to transform challenge and adversity to propel yourself forward towards your goals and dreams.


How to Break Through With Historical Communications Firsts

Unlike any publication that has existed before, with the "Breakthrough Communications" technology discovered and created by its innovator, publisher and editor, and employed in upcoming paid subscription issues...Seize-the-Day! will raise your level of intelligence, no matter how high your intelligence already is, by enhancing your comprehension of what you read, while improving your ability to recall, utilize and benefit from what you read. To our knowledge, this historical first has never been consciously employed in this unique way in publishing before.


How to Become All You Can Be

The revolutionary Seize-the-Day! Emagazine is your opportunity to learn how to break through any internal resistance that holds you back in your business and every day life and prevents you from becoming all you can be.



Make the decision right now to send for your copy of the premier introductory issue of Seize-the-Day! Publication now in production. (To be distributed to you just as soon as it becomes available). Put "I want to Seize-the-Day!" in the subject and email to:

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We will email your free copy of our premeir introductury edition to you just as soon as it is ready.


Copyright 1996, 1997 & 2008 by Ronald B. Mason
TM - Trade Mark of Ronald B. Mason


This web page was last updated on 97/08/01

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